相似词语短语love hotels───爱情酒店
cool hotel───酷酒店
love bite───爱痕(做爱时被咬的齿痕)
love bites───爱痕(做爱时被咬的齿痕)
love token───爱情纪念品
clove hitch───卷结;酒瓶结(一种结绳法)
双语使用场景Love hotel t【不要轻易的口出狂言那样只会透露出你的软弱】raining, and is willing to get a certain teaching task.───热爱酒店培训,并愿意担任一定的授课任务。
Occasionally, it's even mistaken for a love hotel by couples hankering for some time beneath the sheets.───偶尔还会有想共度春宵的情侣将其误认为是情人酒店。
Even these days, on the weekend, every love hotel is full of people — it's hard to get in.───甚至在如今的日子里,到了周末,情人旅馆里人头挤挤——要住进去还不太容易。
Instead, I put a camp-bed up in his old room, so he's in with his girlfriend but I don't feel like I'm running a love hotel.───我在他原来的房间里还放了一个露营用床,这样当他和他女朋友睡在里面的时候我不会觉得自己开了一个情人旅馆。
Love hotel industry, responsible for the positive work that's done a good team spirit!───热爱酒店行业,工作积极负责,有良好的团队协做精神!
Even in the midst of Japan's deepest economic recession since World War II, the country's love hotel industry is thriving.───甚至在二战以来最严重的经济衰退中,日本情人旅馆行业生意兴隆。
ON FEBRUARY 19th 2006 Kimiko and her married lover Tetsuo checked into an Osaka love-hotel, swallowed sedatives and slit their wrists.───年2月19日,林睿君(Kimiko)和其已婚爱人铁男(Tetsuo)登记并入住大阪爱情酒店,服下镇静药,划破手腕。
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