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intensive care

2025-02-18 23:23:00 成语
文章intensive care由网友幻境晨曦投稿,希望给你工作学习带来帮助。 词汇 intensive care 释义 intensive care
intensive care发音



intensive cares───重病特别护理

intensive care unit───n.特护病房

intense fire───烈火

intensive farming───精耕法;[农经]集约农业;密集农作

intensive care units───n.特护病房

intensive research───深入研究

antenatal care───[妇产]产前保健

intense pain───剧烈疼痛;剧痛



Objective To explore the safety nursing effect of neonates in neonatal intensive care unit.───目的探讨新生儿监护病区患儿安全护理的效果.

The U.S. financial system resembles a patient in intensive care.───美国的金融体系就象一位处于重症监护的病人.

Objective To investigate the nursing policies of the intensive care unit ( ICU ) patients in the emergency department.───目的探讨急诊及重症监护病房 ( ICU ) 监护患者的护理管理.

The ambulance takes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit.───救护车把这个小婴儿送到了新生儿看护中心.

The patients is out of intensive care and well on the road to recovery.───这位病人不要特别护理,他的病情已有所好转.

Children will spend time in the intensive care unit ( ICU ) after a truncus repair.───在共同动脉干矫治术后患儿将在监护室里待上一段时间.

This paper describes the experience of nursing a fire survivor in intensive care unit ( ICU ).───本文主要描述在加护中心照护一位火灾生还者的护理经验.

Intensive care in hospital is given to the seriously ill.───病情严重的人在医院里得到了精心的护理.

Conclusion Insulin pumping therapy is a safe as an intensive care.───结论胰岛素泵治疗糖尿病快速、安全、方便,是难治性2型糖尿病患者理想的强化治疗方案.

She needed intensive care for several days.───她需要几天的特别护理。

He is critically ill in intensive care.───他病得很重,正处于特护之中。

Due to the seriousness of his condition, he was put in the intensive care unit.───由于病情严重, 医生把他安排在了特护病室.

The old man is under intensive care in the hospital after the operation.───动完手术后,老人在医院接受特殊护理.

Dan feels completely restored to health after a period of intensive care.───经过一段时间的精心护理,丹感到完全恢复了健康.

Objective: To Provide the clinical evidence of hospital acquired infection in intensive care unit ( ICU ).───目的: 为防治ICU的医院感染提供临床依据.

The Methods: To training ICU nursing intensive care technology cooperate network centre for nursing are introduced.───本文介绍了重症监护技术协作网络对网络中心ICU护士 进行专科护理培训的具体做法.

Both patients recovered after continuing antimalarial drugs and ancillary treatments in the intensive care unit.【温华笑容盎然:“馒头白啊白,白不过姑娘胸脯。”徐凤年笑意醉人:“荷尖翘啊翘,翘不过小娘屁股。”】───两个病例在持续使用抗疟疾药物及包括机械性呼吸支持、液透析、其他重症加护的照顾措施下逐渐康复.

Coagulase negative staphylococci are the commonest blood culture isolate from infants on neonatal intensive care units.───凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌是新生儿加护病房最常见血液阳性培养.

At the time, Ashcroft was in intensive care at George Washington Hospital following emergency surgery.───当时, 阿什克罗夫接受了紧急手术后正躺在在乔治·华盛顿医院的特护病房.

In fact, she was lying metres away in the intensive care unit of the same hospital.───而实际上, 他女儿就在几米外同所医院的重症病房里.

Objective : To develop an algorithm of signal quality assessment of ECG in the intensive care unit.───目的: 研究基于重症监护病人心电导联的信号质量评估算法.

Among the cases , some 840 people have been hospitalized and 63 are in intensive care.───目前, 有大约840名病人在医院接受治疗,其中63人病情严重.

Julian remained in intensive care for five days.───手术后5天来朱利安一直受到加护治疗.

Last night she was critically ill in intensive care.───昨晚她病危,处于重病特别护理中.

The baby was in intensive care for 48 hours.───婴儿在加护病房看护了48小时。

She spent the night in intensive care after the operation.───手术后的那个夜晚她在重症监护病房度过。

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