相似词语短语lump of sugar───一块糖
lumped of sugar───糖块
lump of sugars───糖块
lumping of sugar───糖块
to lump of sugar───糖块
lump sugar───块糖;方糖
lump sugars───块糖;方糖
teaspoon of sugar───一茶匙糖
castor sugar───细白砂糖
双语使用场景He stirred several lumps of sugar into his Gurdyroot infusion and drank some.───他放了几块糖在戈迪根茶里,搅了搅,喝了一些。
She droppe【智者尽其谋,勇者竭其力,仁者播其惠,信者效其忠。文武争驰,君臣相安无事,自可垂拱而治。】d several lumps of sugar into her tea.───她在茶里放了几块糖。
Shihou gave a man a cigarette and gave a woman two lumps of sugar.───王世厚给离去的男人一根烟、女人两块糖。
Grandet noticed the lumps of sugar on the table-cloth; he looked narrowly at his wife.───葛朗台一眼瞥见桌布上有那么些糖,便打量着他的女人。
An overdose of praise is like ten lumps of sugar in coffee; only a very few people can swallow it.───过量的赞扬有如在咖啡里放了十块糖,只有极少数的人能咽得下去。
A dash of milk and two lumps of sugar, please.───请少加一点奶,放两快糖。
he sweetened his coffee with two lumps of sugar───他用两块糖使他的咖啡变甜。
英语使用场景John dropped two lumps of sugar into his coffee.
How many lumps of sugar would you like in your tea?
Grandet noticed the lumps of sugar on the table - cloth; he looked narrowly at his wife.
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