相似词语短语grey matter───头脑;智力;脑部和脊椎的灰色神经组织
gray matters───格瑞的困扰(电影名)
grey matters───头脑;智力;脑部和脊椎的灰色神经组织
gray water───灰水;中水
gray marketer───灰色营销员
grand master───象棋大师
gray panther───灰豹
dead matter───无机物质,[印刷]待拆活字版
gray market───(美)灰市;半合法市场
双语使用场景But do city birds really need more gray matter to make it?───但是就因为这样,城里小鸟就需要变得更聪明吗?
Conclusion view that depressed patients had abnormalities in volume of gray matter.───结论:女性抑郁病人大脑灰质容量存在异常.
It's called gray matter but that's just because it's out of the head.───叫做灰质,但那只是因为它离开了头颅。
Compared to women, men showed accelerated age - related gray matter ( GM ) loss in the posterior putamen.───与女性相比, 男子尾壳核的年龄相关灰质 ( GM ) 损失更严重.
Gray matter has more fluid than white matter , making it easy to distinguish between the two.───灰质比白质含有更多的液体, 因此很容易在这两者之间区分.
Results Of 34 cases , 15 were schizencephaly, 22 were gray matter heterotopia, 6 were pachygria.───结果 脑裂畸形15例, 灰质异位22例, 巨脑回6例.
Objective : To investigate the changes in volume of gray matter of Depressed woman Patients.───目的: 比较女性抑郁病人与正常对照组的大脑灰质容量.
Social Rewards and Gray Matter: Why Are They Linked?───社会奖励与灰质:为什么它们有关?
I don't know why he makes such stupid mistakes. I guess he just doesn't gray matter.───我真不明白为什么他会犯这样愚蠢的错误, 我猜他肯定是脑子不够用.
They focused on the cerebral cortex, or gray matter, which is responsible for higher thinking.───他们把焦点放在负责高等思考的大脑皮层(灰质).
Upgaze Paralysis Caused by Lesion of the Periaqueductal Gray Matter.───中脑导水管周围灰质损害导致上视麻痹(摘译)
Objective : To have some understanding of MRI diagnostic typing of brain gray matter heterotopia.───目的: 提出脑灰质异位症的MRI诊断分型,提高对本病的认识.
He has more gray matter than the common . His opinion always makes people exciting.───他智力超群, 出的点子也总能让人激动.
Objective To analyze CT appearances of gray matter heterotopia ( GMH ).───目的 分析灰质异位症 ( GMH ) CT表现.
Calorie restriction also appeared to slow the loss of gray matter in the brain.───限制热量摄入似乎还可以延缓大脑【将爱形容为美丽的 是不了解爱的人 将爱形容为丑陋的 是自以为了解爱的人】灰质的损失.
CD 95 positive cells were mostly detected in gray matter.───整个实验过程中CD95阳性细胞主要见于损伤区灰质,白质中少见.
Functional MRI Study in Patients with Heterotopic Gray Matter ( with Report of Three cases )───灰质异位的功能磁共振成像研究 ( 附3例报告 )
Prediction of longitudinal brain atrophy in multiple sclerosis by gray matter magnetic resonance imaging T 2 hypointensity.───灰质磁共振成像T2低密度对多发性硬化症时纵向脑萎缩的预测.
英语使用场景They focused on the cerebral cortex, or gray matter, which is responsible for higher thinking.
Conclusion The oligodendrocyte in gray matter area had selective vulnerability to ischemic injury.
Upgaze Paralysis Caused by Lesion of the Periaqueductal Gray Matter.
Gray matter has more fluid than white matter , making it easy to distinguish between the two.sentence dictionary
Objective To analyze CT appearances of gray matter heterotopia ( GMH ).
The gray matter lining the clefts is characterized by polymicrogyria.
Some gray matter, such as the thalamus, has an intimate back-and-forth relationship with the cerebral cortex.
The extensive outer layer of gray matter of the cerebral hemispheres, largely responsible for higher brain functions, including sensation, voluntary muscle movement, thought, reasoning, and memory.
Lined gray matter was isodensity on CT and continuous with adjacent cerebral cortices.
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