相似词语短语grow up───成长,逐渐形成
grows up───成长,逐渐形成
growing up───n.小毕的故事(电影名,等于成长岁月)
grown out───出,发芽;拉架子
thrown up───推上;呕吐
blown up───v.吹胀;发脾气;发生并加剧
双语使用场景Jan was almost a grown-up.───简都快是个大人了。
She's very grown-up.───她表现得很像个大人。
Their children have all grown up and left home now.───他们的孩子都已长大成人离开家了。
She talked in a grown-up manner.───她说起话来像个大人。
What do you want to be when you're grown-up?───你长大后想做什么?
They hav【官吏不要钱,男儿不做贼,女于不失身,才有了一分人。 】e grown up surrounded by reminders of their terrible past.───他们慢慢地被可怕的过去所困扰.
Susie is very grown - up for her age.───相对她的年龄来说苏西非常成熟.
Her songs tackle grown-up subjects.───她的歌曲唱的都是成年人的事情。
A number of misconceptions have grown up around this theory.───围绕着这一理论产生了不少的误解.
His sisters are grown up and his parents are middle-aged.───他的姐妹们都已成人,而他的父母亲也人到中年。
Tell children to tell a grown-up if they're being bullied.───告诉孩子们,如果被人欺负就告诉大人。
"I can't wait to be grown up."— 'All in good time.'───“我等不及要长大了。”——“别急,你总会长大的。”
I have grown-up children who're doing well.───我的几个孩子已经长大成人并且事业有成。
They have three grown-up children.───他们有三个成年的孩子。
This bush has grown up a lot in the last few months.───这矮树丛几个月来已向上长高了很多.
He read grown - up books at an early age.───他小小年纪就看大人看的书.
A new town has grown up in this industrial district.───在这个工业区兴起了一座新城市.
Our children are grown up and have children of their own.───我们的子女都已长大成人,有了自己的孩子。
英语使用场景You're all grown up now.
Our children are grown up and have children of their own.
Now he's grown up he no longer takes any interest in his stamp collection: he's lost all interest in it.
My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war.
Tom had grown up accepting his father's choice.
He has grown up to be a man.
Look how you've grown up.
Finally I've become a grown up.Live in courage and face the life with smile.
She has grown up and can belong to herself.
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