相似词语短语escape velocities───n.[物][天]逃逸速度
phase velocity───[物]相速度
wave velocity───[物]波速
areal velocity───[航]掠面速度;面积速度
group velocity───[电子][物]群速
muzzle velocity───初速;出口速度
escape detection───掩人耳目
escape cock───逃生旋塞
双语使用场景spaceship that reaches escape velocity is moving fast enough to break free of a planet's gravity.───太空船之所以能飞出地球,是因为其飞行速度很快,足以挣脱地球的引力。
The buildup of pressure would force gas outward at speeds far above escape velocity.───压力的增加,将迫使气体以远高于脱离速度的速率向外逃逸.
If the company can achieve escape velocity with enough hype and buzz in the market, they can get public or acquired early.───如果该公司能凭借市场上的兴奋情绪和泡沫达到“逃逸速度”,它们就可能上市或早早地被其他公司收购。
With present fuels, scientists agree that a single rocket can not attain escape velocity.───如果采用目前的燃料, 科学家们认为单级火箭达不到逃逸速度.
answer lies in evaluating the escape velocity.───答案,是因为,逃逸速度的计算。
英语使用场景Pendulum return, loop-the-loop, escape velocity.
Still traveling above escape velocity, it slowly rose and grew fainter over Alberta, until it was no longer visible.
The escape velocity must be 2 MG divided by the radius of that event horizon.
This critical spee【看得到的背叛并不恐怖,真正恐怖的是看不到的背叛。】d is called the escape velocity.
In fact, it is traveling well above escape velocity.
Jupiter is a very massive planet, and its escape velocity is correspondingly high.
Well, the answer lies in evaluating the escape velocity.
That is the escape velocity that you need.
That's a pretty strong version of escape velocity!