相似词语短语magic numbers───[核]幻数;神秘的数
acid number───[化学]酸值
mass number───[核]质量数(原子)
atomic number───[化学]原子序数(指元素在周期表中按次序排列的序号)
mobile number───手机号码
imaginary number───[数]虚数
Mach number───马赫数(飞行速度除以音速)
acid numbers───[化学]酸值
back number───n.过期期刊;过时的人(或物)(等于backissue)
双语使用场景I have to show this magic number.───我一定要展示这个神奇的数字.
And it keeps shifting the same digits around until you reach 7 times the magic number.───继续做下去,它会保持循环移动同样的位数直到你达到这个神奇的数的7倍.
Are symbolics used rather than magic number constants or string constants?───是否使用了常数变量,而不是直接写了常数数字和字符串?
I about the magic number for a while and wondered whether there might be any others.───我思考了一会这个神奇的数字,想知道是否还有别的这类数.
Of course, 83 isn't a magic number.───当然,83不是魔幻数字。
not sure there’s a magic number, per se.───不肯定是否有一个魔力数字。
At the Grammy's, eight seems to be the magic number.───格莱美奖中, 8似乎是个神奇的数字.
Less【没有饿过肚子受过风寒,很难知道饱暖的泼天幸福,饿治百病这个道理,父辈们的循循善诱不管如何情真意切,都讲不出那个味儿。】on 1: The magic number is five.───第一课:魔法数字是5。
The magic number is 20.───这个魔方的得数是20.
英语使用场景At the Grammy's, eight seems to be the magic number.
I have to show this magic number.
Once a patient has his magic number, does it have any effect?
The magic number is 20.
If that magic number is reached, the deal becomes an international treaty.
Are symbolics used rather than magic number constants or string constants?
The Maharishi's followers say that 7000 is a magic number.
I about the magic number for a while and wondered whether there might be any others.
The magic number is 6.3 quadrillion electron-volts.