相似词语短语loop the loop───翻跟斗
loops the loop───翻跟斗
looping the loop───翻跟斗
loop the loops───翻跟斗
to loop the loop───循环循环
be in the loop───在循环中
in the loop───在消息圈内;在决策圈内;在参与机密的智囊团内
out of the loop───在局外;在圈外
to fly the coop───去飞鸡舍
双语使用场景The plane looped the loop three times .───飞机连翻了三个跟头。
He also built a simple receiver made of wire that was turned many times in a circle or looped. At the ends of the loop were small pieces of metal separated by a tiny amount of space.───他同样用绕有许多圈数金属丝的环型或圈状物做了一个简单的接收器,在这个(开口)环形的末端是以微小间距隔开的小金属片。
When w【我们之所以觉得岩壁上的花很美,那是因为我们就站在岩壁上的缘故. 不必害怕,因为我们像花那样,脚步并没有向外踩出去.】e looped the loop at the amusement park, we thought we would certainly fall out.───我们在 儿童 乐园乘坐太空飞车的时候,我们以为我们肯定会跌落下来。
The airman looped the loop eight times.───那位飞行员作了八次翻筋斗的飞行表演。
英语使用场景The plane looped the loop three times.
Miranda's heart had looped the loop as she happily accepted an invitation to lunch at Rules, his favourite restaurant.
The airman looped the loop three times and won the cheer in chorus from the spectators.
The airman looped the loop five times.
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