相似词语短语printing technology───[印刷]印刷工艺;[印刷]印刷工艺学
improve technology───改进技术
disruptive technology───破坏性技术
digital technology───数字技术
existing technology───现有技术
expensive technology───昂贵的技术
frontier technology───尖端科技;前沿科技;前沿技术
improved technology───改进的技术
particle technology───粒子工艺学
双语使用场景China burns more coal than the U. S., Europe and Japan combined, often using very primitive technology.───中国燃烧的煤比美国、欧洲和日本的总和还要多,而且通常使用非常原始的技术。
But as it turns out, the primitive technology inside the Hunley holds some clues to what led to its eventual fate.───但最后亨利号内的原始技术提供了一些是什么导致了其最终命运的线索。
The Radio Corporation of America made its debut that day, transmitting the fight over primitive “radiophone” technology—radio’s first mass broadcast in the United States.───美国无线电广播公司选择在这一天进行首播,通过最原始的无线电话技术转播了比赛——这也是美国历史上第一次大规模广播。
China burns more coal than the U. S. , Europe and Japan combined, often using very primitive technology.───中国燃烧的煤比美国,欧洲和日本的总和还要多,但通常使用非常原始的技术。
英语使用场景He shows off his "primitive technology" lab, locked up in the university anthropology department.
It's using some rather primitive technology.
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